
Showing posts from March, 2015


A flow of customers form finite\infinite population towards the service facilities form the queue (waiting line) on account of lack of capability to serve them all at a time. In the absence of a perfect balance between the service facilities and the customers, waiting time is required either for the service facilities or for the customer’s arrival. The arriving unit that requires some service to be performed is called customer. The customer may be person, vehicles, machines, etc. Queue stands for the number of customer’s waiting to be serviced. This does not include the customer being serviced. The process or system that performs services to the customers is termed by service channel or service facility. QUEUEING SYSTEM A queuing system can be completely described by (i) The input (arrival pattern) (ii) The service mechanism) (iii) The queue discipline, and (iv) Customer’s behavior. THE INPUT (ARRIVAL PATTERN) The input describes the way in which the customer’s arrived and joi

Network Analysis

What exactly is a project? • PM 1 – I am directing a team of research scientists. We are running trials on a new analgesic drug on behalf of a pharmaceutical company. • It is my responsibility to design the experiments and make sure that proper scientific and legal procedures are followed, so that our results can be subjected to independent statistical analysis. • A new drug • PM 2 - The international aid agency which employs me is sending me to New Delhi to organize the introduction of multimedia resources at a teachers’ training college. • My role is quite complex. I have to make sure that appropriate resources are purchased- and in some cases developed within the college. • I also have to encourage the acceptance of these resources by lecturers and students within the college. A new method of teaching students P roject • A project is a temporary Endeavour involving a connected sequence of activities and a range of resources, • which is designed to achieve a specific and un


Simulation is to imitate reality to represent reality. Simulation is a technique for conducting experiments Simulation is descriptive and not optimizing technique Simulation is a process often consists of repetition of an experiment in many, many times to obtain an estimate of the overall effect of certain actions. Simulation is usually called for only when the problem under investigation is too complex to be treated by analytical models or by numerical optimization techniques. In a simulation, a given system is copied and the variables and constants associated with it are manipulated in that artificial environment to examine the behaviour of the system. In general terms, Simulation involves developing a model of some real life phenomenon and then performing experiments on the model evolved. Often we do not find a mathematical technique that; a model once constructed may permit us to predict what will be the consequences of taking a certain action. In particular we could ‘experi