Tractor-Trailer-Driver Schedules

This section examines one approach for solving the tractor-trailer-driver-scheduling problem for a package-transportation company. Tractor-trailer combinations transport packages between terminals of a package-transportation company, as discussed in Section 9. This involves movement of both equipment and drivers. While balancing is the only constraint for equipment routing, the movement of drivers is more complex. The daily schedule of a tractor-trailer driver starts at his or her base location (domicile) where he or she returns at the end of his workday. A driver schedule consists of one or more legs.

A leg is the smallest piece of work for a driver and consists of driving a tractor-trailer combination from one terminal to another or repositioning trailers inside a terminal. Each leg is characterized by an origin terminal and a destination terminal, which may coincide. There is an earliest availability time at the origin terminal, a latest required arrival time at the destination terminal, and a travel time (or repositioning time) associated with a leg. A tractor-trailer combination that is driven from the origin terminal to the destination terminal of a leg must start no earlier than the earliest availability time at the origin and arrive at the destination no later than the latest required arrival time. At the destination terminal of a leg, a driver may drop his or her current tractor-trailer combination and pick up a new one to continue work on the next leg of his or her daily schedule, take a break, or finish work for the day.

In this section, we assume that the legs are already determined and given. We want to generate driver schedules by combining legs. An acceptable schedule must meet specific work rules, which specify the minimum number of hours that a driver must be paid for a day’s work (usually 8 hours) and the maximum length of a workday (usually 10 hours). In addition, a driver must return to his or her domicile every day and a workday must incorporate breaks of specified duration at specified times. For example, a lunch break must last 1 hour and be scheduled between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Another consideration in the generation of driver schedules is the availability of packages for sorting within a terminal. During a sorting operation, loads should arrive at such a rate that the facility is not kept idle. If packages arrive late, the facility will be underutilized during the early stages of sorting while the facility capacity may be surpassed later. For this reason, the duration of each sorting operation is divided into equal time intervals, say, half-hour intervals. Driver schedules need to be generated in such a way that volume availability is satisfied, that is, a minimum number of packages arrives at each sorting facility by the end of each time interval.

The driver-scheduling problem has a short or intermediate planning horizon. It is usually solved regularly once or twice a year and the obtained schedules are bid by the drivers, based on seniority.

The problem may also be solved if changes in volume occur that render the existing schedules inadequate. If decisions about driver schedules are made at the local level and the schedules are bid separately by region, the problem is solved locally in a decentralized fashion.

Driver-Scheduling Problem

The problem of generating driver schedules can be defined as follows. Given a set of legs with time windows and travel times, generate driver schedules that assign work to drivers so that all the loads are moved within their time windows, the total work assigned to each driver meets given work rules, volume availability meets or exceeds sorting capacities, and the total cost of the schedules is as low as possible.

The problem is defined on an underlying network. The terminals are represented by nodes of the network and each leg is represented by an arc connecting the terminal of origin to the terminal of destination. Time windows on the nodes correspond to the earliest departure and latest arrival times at the terminals.

The cost of a schedule is a combination of both time and distance in addition to fixed costs because it is computed based on driver wages, cost of fuel, and vehicle depreciation. Feasible sched- ules can be generated using deadheading—that is, a driver can drive a tractor without a trailer to reposition himself or herself for the next leg. Tractor-only movements are used sparingly in a good set of schedules.

The driver-scheduling problem is formulated mathematically as a set-partitioning problem, a spe- cial type of integer-programming (IP) problem (Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988; Bradley et al. 1977).

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The objective function (40) minimizes the total cost of schedules. Constraints (41) are the set- partitioning constraints ensuring that each leg (row) is used by only one schedule (column). Con- straints (42) and (43) are the domicile constraints and ensure that the lower and upper bounds for the selection of domiciles are met. According to work rules, each particular terminal must be used as a domicile a number of times within a given range. Constraints (44) are the volume-availability constraints and ensure that the required volume of packages is available for each sort interval. Con- straints (45) are the binary constraints.

The presented formulation is a set-partitioning problem with additional side constraints. For a freight transportation company with 10,000 tractors and 15,000 drivers in the continental United States, the problem formulated above is too large to be solved for the whole country. Often, however, driver-scheduling decisions are made at the local level and the problem is broken naturally into smaller problems that are solved locally by each region.

It is sometimes difficult to obtain even a feasible solution of the IP problems formulated in (40)– (45). If the feasible region contains few feasible solutions or if there are errors in the data that make it difficult or impossible to find a feasible solution, the set-partitioning formulation (40)–(45) can be changed into a set-covering formulation (Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988; Bradley et al. 1977) with soft domicile and volume-availability constraints to help guide the cleaning of data and the solution process. Slack and surplus (auxiliary) variables are added to the equations and inequalities (41)–(45) and incorporated into the objective function (40) with very high costs. The following additional notation is introduced:

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The high value of the costs di of the slack and surplus variables prevents their inclusion in a solution with positive values, if this is possible. Constraints (47) resemble set-partitioning constraints but they can also be considered as set-covering constraints, that penalize overcoverage. If some slack or surplus variables have positive values in a solution, they may help identify reasons for not obtaining a true feasible solution or they may remain in the solution for as long as necessary in an iterative solution process that will be discussed later.

Column-Generation Methodology

Each one of the regional problem formulations of a large freight transportation company may have up to 2000 legs (2400 rows altogether) that can be combined into possibly billions of feasible schedules. Even if the binary constraints (51) are relaxed, it is impossible to solve the resulting linear program (LP) with all the columns included. Instead, a standard decomposition method for large LPs called column generation is used (Bradley et al. 1977; Chva´tal, 1983).

When the binary constraints (51) are replaced with the following bounding constraints

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a column generation approach refers to the resulting LP problem that includes all the possible columns as the master problem. The corresponding LP problem that includes only a subset of the columns is called the restricted master problem.

Solving the LP involves pricing out each column using the dual variables or shadow prices associated with the restricted master problem. Sometimes this pricing-out operation can be formulated as a known problem (e.g., a shortest-path problem) and is called a subproblem. The solution of the subproblem produces a column, not yet included in the restricted master problem, that prices out best. For a minimization problem, if the best new column obtained has negative reduced cost, its inclusion in the restricted master problem will improve the solution. Column generation iterates solving the subproblem, adding a new column with negative reduced costs to the restricted master problem, and solving the new restricted master problem until no more columns can be obtained with

negative reduced costs. At that point the master problem has been solved optimally since all billions of possible schedules have been examined implicitly.

When the generation of columns cannot be structured as a known optimization problem, they must be generated explicitly. Usually, this approach results in solving the master problem heuristically because optimality is guaranteed only if all the feasible columns are examined. The schedules for the set-partitioning or set-covering problems presented above are obtained explicitly. The nature of the breaks imposed by work rules, the possible existence of additional local work rules in some regions, the presence of legs that carry priority loads and need to be included as early as possible in a schedule, and other local characteristics make it very difficult to generate schedules by solving a structured subproblem.

The schedules obtained from the solution of the LP problem by column generation may be fractional and therefore unacceptable. To obtain feasible schedules, an IP problem needs to be solved. An iterative heuristic approach for solving the driver-scheduling problem is presented next.

Iterative Process for Solving the Driver-Scheduling Problem with Column Generation

1. Start with a feasible solution. Set up an LP that consists of the columns of the feasible solution.

2. Solve the LP (restricted master problem). If the LP cost is low enough or a given number of iterations is reached, go to step 4.

3. Using the LP shadow prices, generate up to a given number of good new schedules and add them to the LP. If the number of columns exceeds a given maximum, remove columns with the worst reduced costs. Go to step 2.

4. Solve the IP.

In step 1, the algorithm starts with a feasible solution, which can be obtained from the currently used set of schedules. These schedules are broken apart to obtain the set of legs for the problem. In step 2, an LP problem is solved that consists of the current set of schedules and shadow prices are obtained for the rows. In step 3, the algorithm generates more schedules with reduced costs less than a set value using the shadow prices. The new schedules are added to the LP, omitting duplicate schedules. Because the LP is a minimization problem, columns with negative reduced costs will reduce the objective function value. More than one column is added to the LP at each iteration. For this reason, columns with low positive reduced costs may also be accepted. Such columns are also valuable in solving the IP problem in step 4. If the total number of columns in the restricted master problem exceeds a preset maximum number, the columns with the worst (highest) reduced costs are deleted. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until an LP cost is obtained that is below a preset cutoff value or until a given number of iterations is reached. The resulting IP problem is solved in step 4.

In actual applications, the IP problem at step 4 of the previous algorithm obtained from column generation turned out to be a very difficult problem to solve with existing IP solvers. There were several reasons for this difficulty. The optimal LP solution at the beginning of step 4 included too many fractions, the problem structure exhibited massive degeneracy, and there were too many alter- native optimal solutions. It was even difficult for IP solvers to obtain feasible solutions for large problems. Because of these difficulties, the following heuristic approach has been used that combines column generation with solution of the IP problem.

Integrated Iterative Process for Solving the Driver-Scheduling Problem

1. Start with a feasible solution. Set up an LP that consists of the columns of the feasible solution.

2. Solve the LP (restricted master problem). If the LP cost is low enough or a given number of iterations is reached, go to step 4.

3. Using the LP shadow prices, generate up to a given number of good new schedules and add them to the LP. If the number of columns exceeds a given maximum, remove columns with the worst reduced costs. Go to step 2.

4. Select a small number of columns with the highest fractional values, say 8. Using their legs as seeds, generate a small number of additional schedules, say 300, add to the LP, and solve it.

5. Select a small number of the highest fractional schedules, say 8. Restrict them to be integers and solve the resulting mixed-integer-programming (MIP) problem. If all variables in the so- lution of the current restricted master problem are integral, stop. Otherwise, set the selected columns to their integer solution values permanently, update the formulation, and go to step 2.

Steps 1, 2, and 3 are the same as before. In step 4, a preset number of columns with the highest fractional values are selected. The actual number used is set by experimentation. The legs making up these columns are used as seeds to generate a small number of additional columns that are added to the LP. The LP is solved and a small number of columns with the highest fractional values are selected and restricted to be integral. The resulting MIP problem is solved to optimality using an MIP solver. If all the columns of the restricted master problem have integral values in the solution, the algorithm stops. If some fractional values are still present in the solution, the selected columns to be integral are set permanently to their integer solution values and eliminated from the formulation and the column-generation phase starts again. In applications, up to about 40,000 columns were included in the restricted master problem during the iterative solution process.

Generation of Schedules

Approaches for generating new schedules are discussed in this section. Several techniques can be used to obtain new schedules explicitly, guided by the LP shadow prices. Each leg is associated with a shadow price in the LP solution, which indicates how expensive it is to schedule this leg. The generation of schedules focuses on the expensive legs to provide more alternative schedules that include them and drive the LP cost down. New schedules improve the LP solution if they have negative reduced costs. Usually the cutoff value is set higher than zero to include schedules with low positive costs that may combine well with the rest of them because columns are not added one at a time to the LP.

New schedules are generated probabilistically. Each available leg is assigned a probability of selection proportional to its shadow price. The list of legs is then shuffled using the assigned prob- abilities of selection as weights.* This means that legs with high shadow prices are more likely to be at the top of the shuffled list. Each leg in the shuffled list is used as a seed sequentially to generate up to a given number of legs.

Starting with a seed, schedules are generated using three different approaches: one based on depth- first search (Aho et al. 1983), a second approach that generates a given number of schedules in parallel, and a third method that recombines existing schedules to produce new and better ones. The schedules are generated by limited complete enumeration, that is, all the schedules that can be generated starting with a particular seed are generated, limited by an upper bound when too many combinations exist. Tractor-only movements for repositioning drivers are also used in the generation of feasible schedules. A partial schedule is accepted only if a complete feasible schedule can be generated from it, including appropriate work breaks. When a maximum total number of columns is obtained, the process stops.

The depth-first-search approach starts with a seed and adds legs sequentially until a complete schedule is obtained. Then a new schedule is started using either the same seed or the next seed in the list. All the feasible successors of a leg are shuffled based on their shadow prices as weights and used to obtain the next leg of a partial schedule. The parallel approach generates several schedules simultaneously by adding each one of its feasible successors to the current partial schedule.

The recombination approach identifies feasible schedules that are generated by removing one or more consecutive legs from one feasible schedule and replacing them with one or more legs from another schedule. Cycles of leg exchanges are then identified that produce new schedules of lower costs. In actual applications, the recombination approach tends to produce columns that drive the iterative solution process much more quickly toward a good overall result than when only columns obtained by the other two approaches are included.

Beyond Algorithms

Good algorithms that capture well the complexities of real-world problems are a big step towards achieving efficiency using optimization techniques. They are rarely, however, sufficient by themselves. The perfect algorithm is useless if it is not actually used, if it not used properly, or if the solution is not implemented. This is particularly important in the transportation of goods, which is a labor- intensive industry, and where the implementation of an optimization system may involve and affect a large number of people.

Often, a big challenge, beyond the development of good algorithms, is defining the correct prob- lem to solve, finding the necessary data, setting up tools to extract the needed data, correcting and validating the data, having the model used correctly, and obtaining acceptance of the model and its results. A successful, decentralized application needs the involvement of the users, who must be able and willing to use it correctly and apply the results.

* This is exactly like regular shuffling except for the probabilities of selection that are not uniform. An ordered list of legs is obtained by randomly selecting one leg at a time from an original list of legs, based on the weights.

To obtain good results using the algorithms described in this chapter, correct data need to be used. Obtaining good, correct data is often a difficult, expensive, and time-consuming task. Errors in the data need to be identified and corrected easily for the system to succeed. The driver-scheduling problem is especially sensitive to the values of the time windows and cost input. An interface needs to be available that handles the cleaning of the data as well as the generation of the input to the algorithms in an appropriate format and that after a solution is obtained produces useful reports.

If a computer system is put in place for the first time to replace a manual system, the data needs of the computer system may be much larger than those of the manual system. Most optimization models obtain solutions by comparing explicitly or implicitly large numbers of alternatives for which data must be available. Manual systems, on the other hand, often obtain a new solution by modifying an existing one, that is, they examine very few alternatives and need fewer input data. The difference in input data also means that input-data needs for solving an existing application often have to be redefined for computer models. If good input data cannot be obtained for the computer model, its use cannot be expected to improve results.

The algorithms described previously are used to solve difficult MIP problems. Large computers and expensive commercial LP and IP solvers need to be used, which are usually available only in centralized locations. The interface that cleans the data and obtains the input can be implemented locally when the driver-scheduling system is applied separately by region.

A system like the one described has been deployed successfully by United Parcel Service using two different platforms. The data preparation is implemented on local computers available at all company locations. The optimization algorithms are solved remotely on large computers at another location using the company’s intranet. The fact that two different platforms are used is hidden from the users, who are informed by e-mail about the status of a submitted job at various stages and get all the reports on the intranet. This kind of application is now possible because of the increase in computer power that permits the solution of difficult optimization problems in reasonable time and because of the evolution of the Internet that provides the tools supporting a remote implementation.

To improve the probability of success, user training is very important for both actual use of the system and interpretation of results. Optimization systems sometimes do not include some difficult characteristics of a real-life problem. In cases like this, interpretation of results, modification of the solution, or simply selection among alternative solutions is very important. A pilot implementation is also very helpful.

An important element for the success of the system is the existence of appropriate support to the users in applying the system, interpreting the results, and making appropriate decisions. This is especially important when the system results differ from current practices and need to be understood and their validity accepted or when they need to be slightly modified. A team of experts in both the computer system and the operational problem that is solved, who are accepted by the users and speak the same business language, needs to be available to assist the users, especially when the system is first deployed.

The optimization model described minimizes total cost of schedules, which often results in a solution using fewer drivers than those used in the current solution. How such a solution is imple- mented depends on company–labor agreements, which may differ among companies and regions. In the short term, available drivers beyond the number needed by the solution may be put on an ‘‘on- call’’ list and asked to come to work only if another driver is sick or a particular need arises.

It is generally very important to get the final users involved early on in the development process. In this way, the developer makes sure that the correct problem is solved and user needs are met as much as possible. Including the user in the development process early on increases the probability of acceptance of the model.

For the implementation of results, one other very significant factor for success concerns the reward structure of a company. If an optimization model minimizes cost but the user is not rewarded directly for implementing a solution that minimizes cost, the solution results are unlikely to be used. If a model minimizes the number of drivers but the decision maker is not rewarded for using fewer drivers, he is unlikely to jeopardize the goodwill of the people working with him by making a big effort to change the status quo.


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