Several of the preceding chapters have described algorithms that can be used to obtain an optimal solution for various kinds of OR models, including certain types of linear programming, integer programming, and nonlinear programming models. These algorithms have proven to be invaluable for addressing a wide variety of practical problems. However, this approach doesn’t always work. Some problems (and the corresponding OR models) are so complicated that it may not be possible to solve for an optimal solution. In such situations, it still is important to find a good feasible solution that is at least reasonably close to being optimal. Heuristic methods commonly are used to search for such a solution.

A heuristic method is a procedure that is likely to discover a very good feasible so- lution, but not necessarily an optimal solution, for the specific problem being considered. No guarantee can be given about the quality of the solution obtained, but a well-designed heuristic method usually can provide a solution that is at least nearly optimal (or conclude that no such solutions exist). The procedure also should be sufficiently efficient to deal with very large problems. The procedure often is a full-fledged iterative algorithm, where each iteration involves conducting a search for a new solution that might be better than the best solution found previously. When the algorithm is terminated after a reasonable time, the solution it provides is the best one that was found during any iteration.

Heuristic methods often are based on relatively simple common-sense ideas for how to search for a good solution. These ideas need to be carefully tailored to fit the spe- cific problem of interest. Thus, heuristic methods tend to be ad hoc in nature. That is, each method usually is designed to fit a specific problem type rather than a variety of applications.

For many years, this meant that an OR team would need to start from scratch to de- velop a heuristic method to fit the problem at hand, whenever an algorithm for finding an optimal solution was not available. This all has changed in relatively recent years with the development of powerful metaheuristics. A metaheuristic is a general solution method that provides both a general structure and strategy guidelines for developing a specific heuristic method to fit a particular kind of problem. Metaheuristics have become one of the most important techniques in the toolkit of OR practitioners.

This chapter provides an elementary introduction to metaheuristics. After describing the general nature of metaheuristics in the first section, the following three sections will introduce and illustrate three commonly used metaheuristics.


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