Some optimization problems (including various combinatorial optimization problems) are sufficiently complex that it may not be possible to solve for an optimal solution with the kinds of exact algorithms presented in previous chapters. In such cases, heuristic methods are commonly used to search for a good (but not necessarily optimal) feasible solution. Several metaheuristics are available that provide a general structure and strategy guidelines for designing a specific heuristic method to fit a particular problem. A key feature of these metaheuristic procedures is their ability to escape from local optima and perform a robust search of a feasible region.

This chapter has introduced three prominent types of metaheuristics. Tabu search moves from the current trial solution to the best neighboring trial solution at each iteration, much like a local improvement procedure, except that it allows a nonimproving move when an improving move is not available. It then incorporates short-term memory of the past search to encourage moving toward new parts of the feasible region rather than cycling back to previously considered solutions. In addition, it may employ intensifica- tion and diversification strategies based on long-term memory to focus the search on promising continuations. Simulated annealing also moves from the current trial solution to a neighboring trial solution at each iteration while occasionally allowing nonimprov- ing moves. However, it selects the neighboring trial solution randomly and then uses the analogy to a physical annealing process to determine if this neighbor should be rejected as the next trial solution if it is not as good as the current trial solution. The third type of metaheuristic, genetic algorithms, works with an entire population of trial solutions at each iteration. It then uses the analogy to the biological theory of evolution, including the concept of survival of the fittest, to discard some of the trial solutions (especially the poorer ones) and replace them by some new ones. This replacement process has pairs of surviving members of the population pass on some of their features to pairs of new members just as if they were parents reproducing children.

For the sake of concreteness, we have described one basic algorithm for each meta- heuristic and then adapted this algorithm to two specific types of problems (including the traveling salesman problem), using simple examples. However, many variations of each algorithm also have been developed by researchers and used by practitioners to better fit the characteristics of the complex problems being addressed. For example, literally dozens 2Nagata, Y., and S. Kobayashi: “A Powerful Genetic Algorithm Using Edge Assembly Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25(2): 346–369, Spring 2013.

of variations of the basic genetic algorithm for traveling salesman problems presented in Sec. 14.4 (including different procedures for generating children) have been proposed, and research is continuing to determine what is most effective. (Some of the best methods for traveling salesman problems use special “k-opt” and “ejection chain” strategies that are carefully tailored to take advantage of the problem structure.) Therefore, the important lessons from this chapter are the basic concepts and intuition incorporated into each meta- heuristic rather than the details of the particular algorithms presented here.

There are several other important types of metaheuristics in addition to the three that are featured in this chapter. These include, for example, ant colony optimization, scatter search, and artificial neural networks. (These suggestive names give a hint of the key idea that drives each of these metaheuristics.) Selected Reference 3 provides a thorough coverage of both these other metaheuristics and the three presented here.

Some heuristic algorithms actually are a hybrid of different types of metaheuristics in order to combine their better features. For example, short-term tabu search (without a diversification component) is very good at finding local optima but not as good at thoroughly exploring the various parts of a feasible region to find the part containing the global optimum, whereas a genetic algorithm has the opposite characteristics. Therefore, an im- proved algorithm sometimes can be obtained by beginning with a genetic algorithm to try to find the tallest hills (when the objective is maximization) and then switch to a basic tabu search at the very end to climb quickly to the top of these hills. The key for design- ing an effective heuristic algorithm is to incorporate whatever ideas work best for the problem at hand rather than adhering rigidly to the philosophy of a particular metaheuristic.


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