Definition of a Process

A process is a group of activities designed to transform a set of inputs into required outputs. There are three elements in the transformation of inputs into outputs:

1. Data and information

2. Decision making

3. Implementation and actions

A well-defined set of processes, supported by an appropriate information system (composed of a database and a model base) and implemented by a team trained in performing the processes is a cornerstone in the competitive edge of organizations.

Process Design

The design of a process is aimed at defining the following:

• Data required to support decisions, including:

• The data sources

• How the data should be collected

• How the data should be stored

• How the data should be retrieved

• How the data should be presented as information to decision makers

• Models required to support decisions by transforming data into useful information, including:

• Models that support routine decisions

• Models that support ad hoc decisions

• Models used for process control

• Data and models integration:

• How data from the database is analyzed by the models

• How information generated by the models is transferred and presented to decision makers

The PMBOK and Processes in the Project Life Cycle

A well-defined set of processes that applies to a large number of projects is discussed in the PMBOK (PMI 1996). Although some of the PMBOK processes may not apply to some projects, while other PMBOK processes may need modifications in certain projects, the PMBOK is a well-accepted source of information and therefore the following definition of processes is based on the PMBOK.

The PMBOK classifies processes in two ways:

1. By sequence

• Initiating processes

• Planning processes

• Executing processes

• Controlling processes

• Closing processes

2. By management function:

• Processes in integration management

• Processes in scope management

• Processes in time management

• Processes in cost management

• Processes in quality management

• Processes in human resource management

• Processes in communication management

• Processes in risk management

• Processes in procurement management

The application of these processes in a specific organization requires customization, development of supporting tools, and training.
