In Chap. 3 you saw several examples of the numerous and diverse applications of linear programming. However, one key limitation that prevents many more applications is the assumption of divisibility (see Sec. 3.3), which requires that noninteger values be permissible for decision variables. In many practical problems, the decision variables actually make sense only if they have integer values. For example, it is often necessary to assign people, machines, and vehicles to activities in integer quantities. If requiring integer values is the only way in which a problem deviates from a linear programming formulation, then it is an integer programming (IP) problem. (The more complete name is integer linear programming, but the adjective linear normally is dropped except when this problem is contrasted with the more esoteric integer nonlinear programming problem, which is beyond the scope of this book.)

The mathematical model for integer programming is the linear programming model (see Sec. 3.2) with the one additional restriction that the variables must have integer values. If only some of the variables are required to have integer values (so the divisibility assumption holds for the rest), this model is referred to as mixed integer programming (MIP). When distinguishing the all-integer problem from this mixed case, we call the for- mer pure integer programming.

For example, the Wyndor Glass Co. problem presented in Sec. 3.1 actually would have been an IP problem if the two decision variables x1 and x2 had represented the total number of units to be produced of products 1 and 2, respectively, instead of the production rates. Because both products (glass doors and wood-framed windows) necessarily come in whole units, x1 and x2 would have to be restricted to integer values.

There have been numerous applications of integer programming that involve a direct extension of linear programming where the divisibility assumption must be dropped. However, another area of application may be of even greater importance, namely, problems involving a number of interrelated “yes-or-no decisions.” In such decisions, the only two possible choices are yes and no. For example, should we undertake a particular fixed project? Should we make a particular fixed investment? Should we locate a facility in a particular site?

With just two choices, we can represent such decisions by decision variables that are restricted to just two values, say 0 and 1. Thus, the jth yes-or-no decision would be rep- resented by, say, xj such that


Such variables are called binary variables (or 0–1 variables). Consequently, IP problems that contain only binary variables sometimes are called binary integer programming (BIP) problems (or 0–1 integer programming problems).

Section 12.1 presents a miniature version of a typical BIP problem and Sec. 12.2 surveys a variety of other BIP applications. Additional formulation possibilities with binary variables are discussed in Sec. 12.3, and Sec. 12.4 presents a series of formulation ex- amples. Sections 12.5–12.8 then deal with ways to solve IP problems, including both BIP and MIP problems. The chapter concludes in Sec. 12.9 by introducing an exciting more recent development (constraint programming) that promises to greatly expand our ability to formulate and solve integer programming models.


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