1. Achterberg, A.: “SCIP: Solving Constraint Integer Programs,” Mathematical Programming Computation, 1(1): 1-41, July 2009.

2. Appa, G., L. Pitsoulis, and H. P. Williams (eds.): Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Opti- mization, Springer, New York, 2006.

3. Baptiste, P., C. LePape, and W. Nuijten: Constraint-Based Scheduling: Applying Constraint Pro- gramming to Scheduling Problems, Kluwer Academic Publishers (now Springer), Boston, 2001.

4. Hillier, F. S., and M. S. Hillier: Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL, 2014, chap. 7.

5. Hooker, J. N.: Integrated Methods for Optimization, 2nd ed., Springer, New York, 2012.

6. Karlof, J. K.: Integer Programming: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.

7. Li, D., and X. Sun: Nonlinear Integer Programming, Springer, New York, 2006. (A 2nd edition currently is being prepared with publication scheduled in 2015.)

8. Lustig, I., and J.-F. Puget: “Program Does Not Equal Program: Constraint Programming and Its Relationship to Mathematical Programming,” Interfaces, 31(6): 29–53, November–December 2001.

9. Nemhauser, G. L., and L. A. Wolsey: Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, Wiley, Hobo- ken, NJ, 1988, reprinted in 1999.

10. Schriver, A.: Theory of Linear and Integer Programming, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 1986, reprinted in paperback in 1998.

11. Williams, H. P.: Logic and Integer Programming, Springer, New York, 2009.

12. Williams, H. P.: Model Building in Mathematical Programming, 5th ed., Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2013.

Some Award-Winning Applications of Integer Programming:

(A link to all these articles is provided on our website,

A1. Armacost, A. P., C. Barnhart, K. A. Ware, and A. M. Wilson: “UPS Optimizes Its Air Net- work,” Interfaces, 34(1): 15–25, January–February 2004.

A2. Bertsimas, D., C. Darnell, and R. Soucy: “Portfolio Construction Through Mixed-Integer Programming at Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo and Company,” Interfaces, 29(1): 49–66, January–February 1999.

A3. Denton, B. T., J. Forrest, and R. J. Milne: “IBM Solves a Mixed-Integer Program to Optimize Its Semiconductor Supply Chain,” Interfaces, 36(5): 386–399, September–October 2006.

A4. Eveborn, P., M. Ronnqvist, H. Einarsdottir, M. Eklund, K. Liden, and M. Almroth: “Opera- tions Research Improves Quality and Efficiency in Home Care,” Interfaces, 39(1):18–34, January–February 2009.

A5. Everett, G., A. Philpott, K. Vatn, and R. Gjessing: “Norske Skog Improves Global Profitabil- ity Using Operations Research,” Interfaces, 40(1): 58–70, January–February 2010.

A6. Gryffenberg, I, et al.: “Guns or Butter: Decision Support for Determining the Size and Shape of the South African National Defense Force,” Interfaces, 27(1): 7–28, January–February 1997.

A7. Menezes, F., et al.: “Optimizing Helicopter Transport of Oil Rig Crews at Petrobras,

Interfaces, 40(5), 408–416, September–October 2010.

A8. Metty, T., et al.: “Reinventing the Supplier Negotiation Process at Motorola,” Interfaces, 35(1), 7–23, January–February 2005.

A9. Smith, B. C., R. Darrow, J. Elieson, D. Guenther, B. V. Rao, and F. Zouaoui: “Travelocity Becomes a Travel Retailer,” Interfaces, 37(1): 68–81, January–February 2007.

A10. Spencer III, T., A. J. Brigandi, D. R. Dargon, and M. J. Sheehan: “AT&T’s Telemarketing Site Selection System Offers Customer Support,” Interfaces, 20(1): 83–96, January–February 1990.

A11. Subramanian, R., R. P. Scheff, Jr., J. D. Quillinan, D. S. Wiper, and R. E. Marsten: “Coldstart: Fleet Assignment at Delta Air Lines,” Interfaces, 24(1): 104–120, January–February 1994.

A12. Yu, G., M. Argüello, G. Song, S. M. McCowan, and A. White: “A New Era for Crew Recovery at Continental Airlines,” Interfaces, 33(1): 5–22, January–February 2003.


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